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"Brighton's favourite preschool class"
as voted by parents on netmums.com |
Music for Aardvarks and Other Mammals
class is a place where children can experience music
in a rich variety of ways. Whether actively participating
or simply listening and watching, children are learning
in ways that are right for them as individuals, and
at their own pace.
of parents/caregivers is strongly encouraged. Whether
you consider yourself musically inclined, or someone
who can't carry a tune to save your live, is of little
importance when it comes to the positive impact your
participation will have on your child. Your willingness
and enthusiasm are invaluable assets to the group as
a whole, and exemplify for your child that joining in
is not about “performing” but having fun. |
for Aardvarks was created by in 1997 by New York
City rock musician/composer and father of three David
Weinstone. He began writing songs for children after
trying to enroll his infant son in various music classes
and discovering that:
“The stuff they were singing seemed sappy, too
sugary, made it seem like the only things kids were
interested in were farm animals, which didn't seem too
relevant to a kid living in Manhattan. I discovered
I could write songs kids would like, yet still maintain
my roots and still have my artistic thumbprint all over
them. It might sound like Bowie, but y'know, it's a
song about a bagel.”